12-29-12 CAD Drawings by Lin Ren, Designer by WCI

12-29-12 CAD Drawings by Lin Ren, Designer by WCI

08-31-2012 House by lin Ren

Hagerstown College Stem Building Panel Layout by Lin Ren of AMS
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LEED Building at Riverwood, Shop Drawing by Lin Ren of AMS

LEED Building at Riverwood, Picture by Lin Ren
Commonwealth II at VA, Shop and Fab drawings by Lin Ren of AMS
Project Manager by Adam Gillespie of Tidewater Glazing, Inc.
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C2CNT-East. Shop and Fab Drawings by Lin Ren of AMS
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Sibley Hospital. Shop and Fab drawings by Lin Ren of AMS

55 M Street Detail Drawings and Fab by Lin Ren of AMS
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the Zenith. Shop and Fab Drawings by Lin Ren of AMS

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3D Sanpaul Car Garage. 3D and Fab Drawings by Lin Ren

 Door Details by Lin Ren of AMS

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